Growing Through Grief

Helping You Through Rough Waters

I Miss My Cat Today

I Miss My Cat Today

Recently, in an interview that I did, I spoke about “riding the wave of grief.”  It is much more empowering than feeling engulfed by the waves that come. What I find most interesting is how memories seem to seep back in with no rhyme or reason. Today I am missing my...

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Feelings Buried Alive Never Die…

Feelings Buried Alive Never Die…

Feelings Buried Alive Never Die…this is the title of a book that I recently discovered. I had an experience this weekend that reminded me of this. My friend’s mom had been in the hospital for 50 days and died over the weekend. I was able to spend time with my friend...

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I’m Fine

I’m Fine

I’m going to start where I left off in the last blog “Revisiting Grief.” “As I stepped off the plane in Sacramento, California, I felt the veil of heaviness and sadness lift. I was home – this is my home and my heart is also full of those who used to reside in Tacoma,...

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Revisiting Grief

Revisiting Grief

I spent this weekend in the Pacific Northwest. It has been an odd adjustment to what I call this place. I used to say “I’m going home for a visit.” In a 7 year period my Mom, Dad, and older brother all died.  I had moved away as soon as I could in 1981 to be somewhere...

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Do you need more support?

Do you feel stuck, stagnant, or just blah? Overwhelmed or out of balance?

Schedule your free consultation today to experience breakthroughs for your grief.