Growing Through Grief
Helping You Through Rough Waters
Inquire About Having Michele Mariscal Speak at Your Event
I’m based in the Sacramento, California area and work with clients all over the world. I host local in person seminars, virtual webinars.
Learn more here.
Advanced Grief Recovery Method Specialist
HeartMath Trainer, Coach, Mentor
Inspirational Keynote Topics
Ditch the Myths – Be Human in the Face of Grief
Grief is one of the most hidden topics in our culture. Many have learned to grieve alone, replace the loss, or accept other myths that have been offered as a means to move forward. Unfortunately, this often results in unresolved grief. This keynote invites the listener to move out of the old myths about grief and loss and create a new understanding of how to resolve grief.
3 Things That Keep People Stuck in Anxiety
Anxiety can sneak up on us and suddenly feel like a permanent state. The good news is we can reverse it! Learn what needs to happen to live free from anxiety.
“Michele approaches the topic of grief with
full compassion and the science to back the
resources she provides. She is able to share her knowledge in a way that’s easy to understand and use. Michele is warm, open and caring and this can be felt in all her interactions.”
“Michele Mariscal is a down to earth and heart centered speaker. Her own personal journey with grief allows her to share intimately and lovingly in a manner that creates a beautiful and safe space for her audience. I highly recommend her expertise as mental and emotional health are components of wellbeing we can no longer ignore.”