Emotions-Like A Ball of Rubber Bands

Emotions-Like A Ball of Rubber Bands

The analogy of untangling a ball of rubber bands is one that I use often when I talk about the work of grief recovery. The work of grief recovery and processing the emotions of loss can be compared to de-tangling a ball of rubber bands in several ways: 1)    ...
The Effects of Grief On Your Body

The Effects of Grief On Your Body

Understanding the connection between grief and the effects on the physical body is important. Self-care often goes on to the back burner in the midst of the heavy emotional experience of loss but you can do some simple things to stay as healthy as possible through...
Grief and Creativity

Grief and Creativity

People sometimes ask me what “grief recovery” means. In my work with the Grief Recovery Method we talk about unresolved grief being related to undelivered communications from unmet hopes, dreams, and expectations. It can also be things we wish we had said...
Intangible Losses Are Cause for Grief

Intangible Losses Are Cause for Grief

“I can’t be grieving. No one died.” That’s a statement I hear a lot. Society equates grief to death and divorce only. Sadly, that limited definition can keep people stuck in a world of pain when there is a solution. Some losses are concrete like death, divorce and pet...