It has been a time of great shift and change! I have been living my work for sure and wanted to share how grief and loss sometimes show up. 

As a reminder – there are over 40 types of loss that may be cause for grief. In the last 6 months I have downsized and packed up all of my belongings from a home that I lived in for 15 years in California. I also retired from a job of 23 years. I then drove for 7 days across the United State to the state I now reside in – Florida! Three weeks after arriving I fell and broke my wrist making it extremely difficult to move into my new place. I still have boxes that are unpacked and that’s ok.

I was interviewed recently about my work (see link to interview here:  and was happy to recall all of the newness that I was prepared to move into with all these changes in life!

Working full-time at a job and providing coaching with HeartMath and grief recovery was challenging and I was looking forward to building my life as an entrepreneur.  But it was SO important to give the time to grieve these past few months. That is what I want to impart – pushing past the emotions that are wanting to be expressed will show up in some way in the future that will usually be detrimental so why not BE with them now?

This was the most difficult thing for me to be with because I am a DO-er. Each time that I tried to focus on work I found that I had no focus and incredible lack of clarity. I finally had to let that part of myself that always wants to “fix” grief yield to that part of me that just needed to express it.

One of the definitions of grief is the conflicting feelings caused by the end of or change in a familiar pattern of behavior. I had changed ALL of my familiar patterns and woke up to some days thinking “I want to go in to the office.” I had to feel that and be with that loss – and then I would go walk along the beach and feel the thankfulness of living where I live now. CONFLICTING feelings!! I think this is an area of grief that is not acknowledged. Within an hour I could be in sadness that would then move into joy. Grief can be a confusing time unless we recognize this dynamic!

A couple of weeks ago after being here in my new home for 4 months my heart began to open and I felt I was ready to receive and work with new clients. Low and behold – 2 clients within a week contacted me and we are starting work together!

I encourage you to allow grief to move in your life and know that it is a passage. Allow for the conflicting feelings, allow yourself to be sad and know it is in movement, allow yourself to feel joy and know that it is ok too.

I wish you well on your journey and I’m here if you need me! Providing the Grief Recovery Method work is my joy and you can learn more about it here:

I wish you well on your journey.