Learn practical and powerful techniques to calm yourself emotionally, mentally, and physically! Tune in to your heart connect!
New, coherent communities are being built all around the globe. It’s not just about being mindful or to meditate – by learning new science based tools and techniques, together with passionate, like-minded locals, you will change your community in ways you have never believed is possible.
Become part of our global community!
Change Happens When We Connect!
Here are some learning points for each event:

Role of emotions and shifting your state
Personal coherence global coherence for social change
Heartmath® technology
Future dates in Carmichael, CA (address provided with ticket purchase)
Sunday, April 19, 2020 2pm – 3:30pm
Sunday, May Date coming soon 2pm – 3:30pm
Want to Learn More About Me & My Philosophies First?
Grief and loss of any kind can turn your life around in an instant, without warning!
If you’re experiencing this right now or are simply just having a hard time coping in general then you want to read on for sure.
If you’re not ready to dive in just yet with some coaching or classes, grab my FREE eBook that I want to give you just for having the courage to get to know me and put yourself out there.

Grab Your Copy Today!
“Guide To Grow Through Grief”
Practices to Help You Through Each Day After Experiencing a Loss